Private Fiber Networks
Private fiber networks advantages.
What is a Private Fiber Network? Simply put, it is a fiber-optic path that connects points within a building, between buildings, around a campus or throughout a County or State that does not rely on traditional telecom or cable companies’ pre-existing networks. It is a network constructed to serve your specific needs, that justifies itself through the reduction or elimination of costs from outside service providers. Private Fiber significantly enhances every aspect of our customer’s networking requirements.

Expanding bandwidth needs.
TurnKey has the capability and experience to make it possible for school districts, universities, government agencies, municipalities, and private enterprises to own and operate their Private Fiber Networks. From initial feasibility studies, through the design/engineering/permitting process and to the completion of construction Turnkey plays an integral part in creating wholly owned stand-alone networks for a range of customers. Private Fiber Networks allow our customers to build a solid network foundation that grows with their expanding bandwidth needs.
Contact Turnkey to see how a Private Fiber Network may be the right solution for you.